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 Que Aprendimos de FMA

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4 participantes

Cantidad de envíos : 167
Fecha de inscripción : 18/06/2008
Edad : 35
Localización : Santa Destroy(santa ana)

Que Aprendimos de FMA Empty
MensajeTema: Que Aprendimos de FMA   Que Aprendimos de FMA EmptyJue Ago 14, 2008 1:59 pm

Esto me lo encontrehace tiempo IGN, y lo vi vacilon tonces lo posteo, pero como soy muy vago, nada mas le voy a dar copy-paste, hehehe asi que ta en ingles,Disfruten :D

Obviamente tiene spoilers, advertidos quedan

Citación :
March 18, 2008 - Cartoons are bad for you, they say. Ever since the heyday of the Warner Brothers Looney Tunes, when Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote and all the rest were doing battle with anvils and bright-red sticks of dynamite, cartoons have been reckoned a terrible influence on the youth of our great nation. They're just mindless violence, they give kids epileptic fits, they are woefully deficient in educational content. So goes the conventional wisdom, anyway.

We know different, though, don't we? Cartoons have plenty to teach us, practical lessons of real use in our daily lives. Honestly, the anvils and dynamite and whatnot are just icing on the cake these days.

To prove it, here are 10 valuable life lessons we learned from watching Fullmetal Alchemist. The series may have traumatized some of its viewers, and driven others to foolish pursuits like cosplay and writing slash fan-fiction, but there's still plenty of redeeming social value on tap there.

(Note: Learning things means knowing things, and we can't share our knowledge without sharing some of the plot. So, yes, there are some spoilers.)

Honorable Mention - Chicks dig a man in uniform.

Well, actually, they probably dig Roy Mustang for a whole bunch of different reasons. The uniform's gotta help, though, right? (One might also cite Riza Hawkeye as an example of the opposite phenomenon – guys dig a woman in uniform – but she doesn't seem to get that much action. Maybe it's because she's married to her job. Or maybe it's canceled out by another rule of thumb – guys fear a woman packing that many guns.)

10. Anyone who wants you to call them "Führer" is probably up to no good.

Yeah, the National Army definitely makes sure the trains run on time. On the other hand, though, you've got the suppression of information resources, the ruthless repression of dissent out in the provinces, the free hand given to homicidal maniacs like Zolf Kimblee…yeah, this is not what you'd call the ideal system of government.

The lesson, then? Military dictatorship ain't cool, kids. In a participatory democracy that embraces the time-honored principle of separation of powers, it's a whole lot harder for a vicious homunculus to take total control behind everyone's backs.

9. Guerrilla warfare works…eventually

Real-world history will show you that a determined insurgency usually gets what it wants. Consider Mao's Chinese communists, Fidel Castro in Cuba, the Viet Minh (better known in the states as the Viet Cong), the mujahedin of Afghanistan, Lebanese Hizbullah, and so many, many more. History will also show you, though, that most of those who are there at the beginning of the war will probably not live to see the end. A successful rebellion usually comes at a high price in time, treasure, and blood.

Such is the case with the Ishbalian revolt, and the desert rebels who eventually succeeded their cause. They drove out the National Army in the very end, after a fashion, but one has to wonder whether the ultimate cost was worth it.

8. Solipsism is for freshman philosophy majors.

For a while there Alphonse Elric goes through a bit of a crisis. If he's just a spirit animating an otherwise inanimate object, was he ever really human to begin with? He has only his brother's word on that one, after all. Maybe he never had a flesh-and-blood body at all.

Ultimately, it's a variation on the question millions of amateur philosophers pondered after they watched the Matrix movies. "What if the world's not really there at all?" The answer, or at least the simplest available answer, is "so what?" Reality, as Philip Dick once noted, is that which does not go away when you stop believing in it. So far, there are very few recorded examples of successfully disbelieving the world out of existence. And if you are successful, the world has places to keep people like you. Nice soft walls and all the Jell-O you can eat.

7. Don't ever bet more than you can afford to lose.

A simple lesson, but a useful one, taught in a nutshell by the unfortunate Master Sergeant Kain Fuery – in the famous National Amy spotlight episode, he bets most of his paycheck on the fortunes of Lieutenant Havoc's love life. Warrant Officer Farman had the right idea – a modest bet on the obvious outcome (i.e., the poor goof gets shot down cold). Wagering big money on long odds, though, is a good way to go broke quick. Then you wind up having to beg the likes of Lieutenant Breda for a loan, from which no good can come.

6. There are always more fish in the sea.

Seriously, though. Jean Havoc gets turned down just once by Armstrong's sister and the guy goes all to pieces for the rest of the episode. Yeah, it sets up a pretty funny running gag – his soulless, catatonic form appears in the background of episode 37's later segments several times – but hopefully everyone watching knows not to follow the Lieutenant's example. Pick yourself up, get back on the horse, and you'll find someone new in no time. (Besides which, would you really want to have Major Armstrong's family for your permanent in-laws?)

5. If it seems like it's too good to be true, it probably is.

Perhaps this is just a variation on Alchemist's most famous bit of wisdom, coming a little further down there. Nonetheless, it's good advice of a slightly more specific kind. For instance, if a supposedly scratch-built chimera is able to talk, why not consider the unpleasant possibility that one of its original components could talk already?

(A corollary to this particular lesson would be something like, "seriously, kids, don't hang around with guys like Shou Tucker. No good is going to come of this." Unfortunately, Alphonse had to learn that one twice.)

4. 'Fess up and take your medicine like a man.

Perhaps one of the finest single moments of the TV series comes a little more than partway through. Ed and Al go home to see their old alchemy teacher, and for the first time they frankly own up to their greatest mistake – that they tried to resurrect their mother.

Boom! Straight left to the chin. Izumi Curtis clearly does not subscribe to contemporary theories regarding the ineffectiveness of corporal punishment. Honestly, though, given all the misery that came of it, you have to figure Ed had at least some of that coming to him. (Al probably got off easier, since it's an open question whether his all-metal body feels any pain, but after all, it wasn't his idea in the first place.)

3. Patience is a virtue, especially in matters of revenge.

Roy Mustang has his flaws. He's lazy, self-satisfied, an inveterate womanizer, and almost irredeemably smug sometimes. Even so, you could find a worse role model, particularly when it comes to the value of planning ahead. His campaign to remake the National Army in his own image spans several years and 40-odd episodes, and all the while he barely tips his cards in the slightest. The Count of Monte Cristo would be proud. There's a valuable lesson here – sure, flying off the handle right away may sound like fun (consider Scar's campaign of brain detonation your perfect example of the opposite viewpoint), but it's only going to get you so far in the end.

2. Discretion is the better part of valor.

Here's a lesson often learned a moment too late, as in the case of the beloved Major Hughes. When you're trying to unravel someone's diabolical master plan, it's not such a good idea to go wandering in dark, empty streets at night. You should try to avoid any dicey head-to-head confrontations. In fact, why not make a point of running like hell? At worst, you'll only feel perhaps a little bit foolish, and at best, you'll save on inconvenient funeral expenses.

1. You can't gain anything without first giving something in return.

Yeah, it's turned into a cliché by now. Heck, it was a cliché already – in the real world, we tend to phrase it as a reference to lunch, and the way that it's usually not free. But it really is pretty good advice. Luckily, most of us don't need to maim ourselves in ill-fated transmutation experiments to learn it.

Tomado de IGN/Anime

ya leblank lo ha leido estaba en kakkoii :P pero uds estann faltos de temas asi que no se quejen XD
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Cantidad de envíos : 322
Fecha de inscripción : 13/08/2008
Edad : 36
Localización : Somewhere over the rainbow

Que Aprendimos de FMA Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Que Aprendimos de FMA   Que Aprendimos de FMA EmptyJue Ago 14, 2008 2:45 pm

creo que ya habia leido esto en kakkoii lulz
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Sr Admin
Sr Admin

Cantidad de envíos : 247
Fecha de inscripción : 18/06/2008
Edad : 35
Localización : Granja Lolicon

Que Aprendimos de FMA Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Que Aprendimos de FMA   Que Aprendimos de FMA EmptyJue Ago 14, 2008 3:27 pm

nunca entendi este tmea!!!
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Cantidad de envíos : 491
Fecha de inscripción : 12/08/2008
Localización : In the net of WWW, just like SE lain

Que Aprendimos de FMA Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Que Aprendimos de FMA   Que Aprendimos de FMA EmptySáb Ago 16, 2008 10:13 am

no se inglés
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